Medi-Cal Develops Tighter Monitoring After Treatment Center Fraud Exposed

Posted by azdrugrehabctr on January 17, 2014 under AZ Drug Rehab News | Comments are off for this article

rehabracketLast year the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) and CNN combined to conduct a long investigation into multiple drug and alcohol rehab centers in California and uncovered millions of dollars in fraud being committed. This unfortunate waste of taxpayers’ money and state resources wasn’t taken lightly.

CIR recently posted a follow-up to their investigation that included statements from officials in charge of fixing the oversight problems, as multiple reactions were severe from other leaders in the state.

Presumably, these problems with facilities siphoning off money from Medicaid programs happen in other states as well, which is unfortunate. Most of those treatment centers are trying to do the right thing and help people while a few criminals make a bad name for the system.

Private rehab programs, on the other hand, do have more accountability in many ways because the person paying for the service sees what they’re getting in return. The Medi-Cal fraud from the “Rehab Racket” story shows how misuse of government funds prevents people from getting the help they need. Hopefully this investigation will close the loopholes and send messages to other people and organizations in the field that they will be exposed.

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