Study Highlights Confusing Information Regarding ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common mental illness diagnosis for children in the United States. so common that many people do not even consider it abnormal. However, like most potential problems with children, there is plenty of information that parents can research if they suspect or have just learned that their child has ADHD.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has published this type of information for parents, however it has been discovered that the information provided is not only confusing, but contradictory. A study was conducted by researchers in Sweden that examined the type of information that parents receive on the subject. Not only is the information confusing to parents, but making the diagnosis parameters more concise might help to eliminate the increasing amount of ADHD medication available for abuse.
Adderall and Ritalin are the most common medications given to those that suffer from ADHD. They are designed to help with the inability to focus, complete tasks and have healthier relationships. They are also extremely addictive, popularly abused, and often sold to addicts by people with legitimate prescriptions.
“Although ‘ADHD’ is characterized as a floating spectrum of symptoms, it is transformed into a distinct entity that appears clearly defined solely by its name. While it is difficult to define the dividing line between normal and abnormal, the label ‘ADHD’ appears sharp and exact and explanatory in itself,” explained the researchers.
The study specifically states that the wording of the NIMH can confuse parents and make it difficult to determine if a child is actually displaying ADHD symptoms, or if they are just experiencing typical frustrations and assertions that children go through. Misdiagnosis of ADHD is common and can lead to the influx of medications available for non-ADHD users.
Narrowing the definition and making the symptoms clearer is the first step in preventing more ADHD medication abuse. Being able to discern between normal child behavior and true ADHD symptoms is crucial when it comes to properly treating children and adults.